Republicans, ok Republican students, have come up with a novel way to sell stuff – they base the price you pay on what colour you are, yes really.
Republican students at the University of Berkeley at California are organising a ‘bake ‘ as some form of protest, and are charging people different prices to buy their goodies based on what race they are.
White people pay $2 per pastry, Asian people pay $1.50, Latino’s pay $1, African American’s pay $0.75 and American Indians pay a whopping $0.25 per pastry.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, all women get a twenty five percent discount !
Organisers are referring to this as an ‘increase diversity bake sale’ and have come up with some guff about it being a form of political protest.
If you think Perry, Bachmann et al are pretty grim, wait a few years ………..
via Reuters